Member TOS Page
General - Members Terms & Conditions
General Terms & Conditions
The annual Adult Membership Cost for 2024 is £40.
The annual Junior Membership Costs for 2024 is £30.
Note an individual membership form needs to be completed for each child. The Club operates policies and procedures to safeguard children and young people and the instructor has completed the Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). Further information about our safeguarding arrangements can be obtained from the Club Welfare Officer. Please ensure that you have read and understood the notes that accompany this application form. By submitting this form, you and your child are agreeing to abide by the club’s rules and procedures.
Karate is a Martial Art. This means that it is a combative system, which involves physical movement that are designed to both attack and defend oneself. The training is of a robust nature and a great deal of physical exertion is one of the requirements of a practitioner. There are many sports where physical contact is made such as rugby, football and boxing and injuries can occur in all, as they can in less physical sports. By joining Karate club you are placing your child in an environment where they will practice with others. Some of the movements are practiced on each other, and while every effort is made to minimize accidents, there are occasions where these can happen. The accidents that do occur are usually of an impact type injury such as bruising. As your child progress through the grades, he or she may decide to take part in competitions. There is a higher risk of injury in these situations because of the competitive edge. Your child will be prepared for this aspect of karate in a specific way to enable them to compete fairly and without injury. Whilst injuries may occur, they are at a minimum and serious injuries are all but unheard of within this type of karate. The robust nature is not for everyone and by joining this club you are agreeing that your child be trained in a physical Martial Art/Sport, where injuries do occur. Possession of this license provides members with cover for Public Liability member to member insurance only, it is parent/guardian responsibility to gain additional Personal Injury Insurance.
I agree for my child to undertake all aspects of training and be guided by the instructor in the safest way of understanding this type of physical exercise. I accept that injuries do occur, and every effort will be made to ensure that this is avoided wherever possible.
Emergency Contact Details
In the event of an incident or emergency where the parent, or legal guardian named above cannot be contacted, please provide details of an alternative adult who can be contacted by the club. Please make this person aware that their details have been provided as a contact for the club.
Member Medical Information
It is important that the Club has information about any medical conditions or other impairments that may affect your child’s ability to practice karate and engage in Club activities. Answering the following questions will enable the Club to put in place appropriate support for your child. Please feel free to also have a conversation with the instructor or the Club Welfare Officer, should you wish. All information provided about you and your child will be held strictly confidential and will only be shared with those members of the Club who have direct contact with your child. It may also be shared with the Club Welfare Officer and anonymised data maybe used for statistical purposes.
Photograph and Social Media
TOKEI Kyokushinkai Karate wishes to ensure photography and video footage taken within TOKEI Club or during competitions is done so and shared appropriately. As such, TOKEI Kyokushinkai Karate have a Photography and Social Media policy and If you are concerned that images are being used improperly, you should inform the Child Welfare Officer or any other members of the Committee.
- I give my consent to the Club photographing, filming, or videoing my child’s involvement in the Club’s organised activities.
- TOKEI Kyokushinkai Karate may use social media platforms to communicate information relating to local businesses and sponsors who financially support the club. The Club will take all reasonable measures to ensure these images are solely used for the purposes for which they are intended.
Please carefully read the general statements below and indicate that you understand and agree with them by providing your details and signing the form:
I agree to my child taking part in activities for the club.
I confirm that my child will comply with TOKEI Kyokushikai Karate Rules and Guidelines including the Respect Values.
I agree to my child receiving medical treatment whilst in the care of the Club, which in the opinion of a qualified medical practitioner may be necessary. I understand that in the event of an accident or injury that the club will make every effort to contact me and then deal with the injuries appropriately.
I agree that my child will wear an abdominal protector, head guard, gloves, shin pads and instep at all times during sparring sessions.
I agree that to the best of my knowledge, my child does not suffer from any medical conditions, disabilities, or impairments, other than those detailed in this form.
I have legal responsibility for the child named on this form and that I have read and understood the permission statements on this membership form and the privacy notice below and have explained the content of this form to my child. Finally, I agree that by signing this form below, I am confirming my agreement to the rules and policies of the Club.
Notes for Parents/Guardians
TOKEI Kyokushinkai Karate is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable environment in which children, young people and adults can practice and enjoy karate. TOKEI Kyokushinkai Karate will make all efforts to ensure that your child is protected at all times.
Club coaches and Instructors
All Club coaches and Instructors act in a voluntary capacity to support the Club. Club coaches and Instructors have completed a DBS check. All other Club members who have regular and unsupervised contact with children and young people also complete DBS checks.
Junior Club Rules/Guidelines
As a member of the Club all junior members are expected to treat each other in a courteous and respectful manner and practice karate within the rules, procedures and spirit of martial arts:
– Respect Coaches and Instructors
– Respect others in the dojo
– Respect Opponents during sparring or competition
Any member not meeting these standards will be provided feedback and should their behaviour not improve, they may not be selected for competitions or be asked to not attend training. The Club has a zero-tolerance policy and will not tolerate physical or verbal abuse of others. Any incidents of this nature will be treated very seriously and could result in expulsion from the Club.
Other key requirements include:
– students must not use language or gestures that people may find offensive, show dissent, or argue with coaches and Instructors.
Child Welfare Officer
The club has appointed a child welfare officer and the officer is: Senpai Dominique Rouch
The club welfare officer will:
– Act as a first point of contact for reporting of child welfare and protection concerns.
– Ensure that the club’s safeguarding policies and procedures are in place.
– Treat all child welfare concerns confidentially.
– As required, liaise with the appropriate authorities where a safeguarding incident occurs.
Please note that it is not the role of TOKEI Kyokushinkai Karate and its representatives to investigate allegations of child abuse or to judge whether it is taking place. When an allegation has been made this will be passed on to the appropriate authorities.
Contact Point and Comments
If you have any comments or concerns related to your child’s involvement at TOKEI Kyokushinkai Karate or would like some clarification on any of the details in the above document, then please contact the club welfare officer or the instructor.
Data Protection
The Club will use the information provided on this Membership Form (together with other information it obtains) to administer his/her karate activity at the Club and in any activities in which he/she participates through the Club and to care for and supervise activities in which he/she is involved. The club fully complies with legislation governing data protection, known as the UK General Data Protection Regulation or ‘UK GDPR’ and the Data Protection Act 2018.
Please therefore do not hesitate to contact our Child Welfare Officer Senpai Dominique ROACH or the Instructor Sensei Sithembiso MAJOZI who will be pleased to help with any queries you might have.
In the event of a medical issue or child protection issue arising, Club may disclose certain information to doctors or other medical specialists and/or to police, children’s social care, the Courts and/or probation and, potentially to legal and other advisers involved in an investigation.
As the person completing this form, you must ensure that each person whose information you include in this form knows what will happen to their information and how it may be disclosed.